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Everyone's OCD is different. Despite popular belief, having OCD doesn't necessarily mean you're an extreme germaphobe, "neat-freak", or have strange compulsion relating to numbers. For many OCD is intrusive thoughts, anxiety ticks, unwanted hand movements, and even self harm. It is important to not let anyone invalidate your OCD. OCD is really challenging to deal with, and understanding YOUR OCD can really help. Even if most people that your OCD is not real, if you're diagnosed with the disorder, it is. Understand YOUR OCD. Get better. Feel Validated

This link is great for understanding your specific type of OCD. Understanding how your OCD works, can help you defeat it.

Michael Duell
February 8, 2022 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! Here you can share advice (based off your own experiences) to help manage a specific illness. On this page there will different coping skills and tools to help cope with OCD. Feel free to also add inspiring images (Please note: this is supposed to be used as a coping mechanism and is NOT to replace therapy. Additionally, absolutely no hate of any kind will be permitted)

Everyone OCD is different. A common misconception about OCD is that it manifests itself in very specific ways. People will often tell you that you do not have true OCD because you don't obsess over stereotypical things, such as having an exceptionally clean room. THIS IS NOT TRUE. In order to help manage OCD, it is important to understand what OCD is for you. Attached below is a great source for understating how YOUR OCD works, which can help you identify and stop your OCD behaviors and thoughts.

Michael Duell
February 2, 2022 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! Here you can anonymously share advice (based off your own experiences) to help manage a specific illness. On this page there will different coping skills and tools to help cope with OCD. Feel free to also add inspiring images (Please note: this is supposed to be used as a coping mechanism and is NOT to replace therapy. Additionally, absolutely no hate of any kind will be permitted)


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