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Eating Disorders

Public·1 Supporters

Eating Disorder are one of the hardest things people can go through. People struggling from E.D.s tend to feel unloved or unwelcome. They tend to become anxious whenever it is time for a meal. They are more prone towards self hatred. But, I promise, All OF YOU ARE LOVED. All of you deserve to get better, not for anyone else except yourself. You owe it to yourself to try and get better, even though it is difficult. YOU CAN DO IT. Below are some coping tragedies:

Michael Duell
February 8, 2022 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! Here you can share advice (based off your own experiences) to help manage a specific illness. On this page there will different coping skills and tools to help cope with E.D.s. Feel free to also add inspiring images (Please note: this is supposed to be used as a coping mechanism and is NOT to replace therapy. Additionally, absolutely no hate of any kind will be permitted)

Michael Duell
February 2, 2022 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the group! Here you can anonymously share advice (based off your own experiences) to help manage a specific illness. On this page there will different coping skills and tools to help cope with E.D.s. Feel free to also add inspiring images (Please note: this is supposed to be used as a coping mechanism and is NOT to replace therapy. Additionally, absolutely no hate of any kind will be permitted)


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